Diverse Learners Cooperative

2023-2024 DLC Annual Report

We’d love to share with you the DLC’s 2023 - 2024 Annual Report.

Over the past 6 years, the Diverse Learners Cooperative has grown from an idea to an impactful organization in our Nashville community and beyond. We have served over 100 schools in that time and hundreds more teachers. It has been such an honor to enlist a growing DLC team, all former teachers, to come alongside school teams in enacting a collective vision of inclusive education.

We’d love to share with you the DLC’s 2023 – 2024 Annual ReportInside these pages you’ll find a capture not just of the quantitative impact of our work, but of the stories that illuminate why this work is necessary in the future of accessible education. I’d point you to:

  • Ms. Collins-Kindall’s story on page 6. Through her Fellowship Impact Project last year, her school saw a 54.6% reduction in behavior referrals. She’s been able to expand her work within her school and share it with multiple other Nashville schools as well.
  • The graphs on page 7 that demonstrate increased academic proficiency levels of students with disabilities at two networks with whom we partner closely.
  • Those smiling Fellow faces on page 11 and all of the supporters that make this work possible.

With your unwavering support and generosity, diverse learners will have greater access to capable, confident, and connected teachers. This will drive change from within and for generations to come. Thank you for being part of our story of impact!

What Can I Do Next

  • Send a thank you text to a teacher! They are doing an amazing job at a really challenging time for education. They deserve encouragement every day.
  • Share this link with a friend who is in or supports education. The more folks who know about the work, the more teachers are connected with the support they need.
  • Sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop about the future of DLC’s work with educators.
  • Give to the DLC today. When you give to the Diverse Learners Cooperative, your gift directly supports our work with teachers.