Diverse Learners Cooperative

School & System Partnership

We believe that all learners deserve access to high quality, inclusive educational opportunities. Solutions that improve access for diverse learners are community-centered and build on strengths of the school team. That’s why we design solutions aligned with the unique needs of the students, community, and school team. We are dedicated to supporting teams to create schools where diverse learners thrive.

How We Do It

All of our schools and their learners are diverse, and our School Partnerships reflect this. We engage with all schools and organizations using the Diverse Learner Cycle of Improvement:

What We Do: Impact Partnerships

DLC partners with school teams to identify and remove barriers to learner access. Through a specific combination of high-impact services and supports, schools teams build capacity to create schools where diverse learners thrive.

Impact Focus Partnerships

Accessible Instruction

Build team capacity to support academic achievement of diverse learners, centering Universal Design for Learning, collaborative instruction, and Multi-tiered Systems of Support.

Positive Behavior

Build team capacity to support positive student behavior, including practices that center school-wide preventative strategies.

Student Support Systems

Build team capacity to design and deliver high-quality specialized services consistently and in accordance with compliance standards.
DLC provides additional consultation services related to diverse learner priorities, including charter review, resource development, and other technical assistance. Please contact our team for more information.

RTI-B² Case Study

A Nashville public charter network wanted to improve access for students with challenging behavior across their network of schools. In order to engage in this system-wide culture work, they sought the support of the DLC.
The DLC engaged in a needs assessment to better understand the scope of the project. With clear goals in place, the network and DLC collaborated in order to create behavioral support systems designed to help decrease challenging student behavior and increase prosocial behaviors.
cross the network, culture teams worked to implement RTI-B, with the strategic partnership of DLC. One impact of this work was seen at the network’s elementary school where out-of-school suspensions dropped 20% from the previous school year.

The network’s educators reported feeling more equipped to identify student needs, develop and apply function-based interventions, and measure progress.
“Thank you for our meeting today! Each week, our meetings are the time that I feel the most productive and proactive.”

“Our DLC coaching support pushed our thinking and helped us plan out how to invest teachers in the new school-wide systems.”

Co-Teaching Case Study

A Nashville public middle school identified the quality of co-teaching as a limiting factor to student access. They enlisted the DLC to help support them in developing co-teaching as an effective model.
The DLC partnered with the middle school to identify schoolwide co-teaching goals, design and deliver staff professional learning, provide instructional coaching, and conduct co-teaching walk-throughs with leadership. This resulted in improved co-teaching instruction and collaboration.
Using a DLC-created co-teaching walkthrough tool, results indicated that teachers were applying a wider variety of co-teaching models and with greater impact. The majority of teachers were communicating effectively and respectfully with each other when compared to baseline. As a result, the middle school’s students regularly accessed more prepared and confident co-teachers.
“Our collaborative planning meeting with the DLC was a helpful support for us to take a deeper look into our students’ accommodations. This meeting was an excellent reminder about the expectations we have for our students in exceptional education and all students.”

What Partners Are Saying

Partner with us to support teachers and help all students succeed.

When you give to the Diverse Learners Cooperative, your gift directly supports our work with teachers. We offer personalized coaching, valuable collaborative networks, and high quality resources so that teachers (and their learners) can succeed.

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