Diverse Learners Cooperative

Standing in Solidarity

I am grieved over the recent events, especially the unjust murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and countless other Black Americans. These deaths reflect the institutionalized racism that runs deep in our country, our schools being no exception. 

Centuries of inequity are made clear when considering how we label and discipline black students. Black students are 40 percent more likely to be identified as having disabilities than are their peers, and twice as likely to be identified as having an emotional disturbance or intellectual disability. Further, black boys are more likely to be suspended than their white peers even though black students represent a smaller percentage of the overall population. This is unacceptable, and we are working urgently with schools to identify and disrupt these current realities.

Racial justice is a prerequisite to educational equity. Our team is committed to individually and collectively engaging in the constant work of justice. We are listening. We are learning. We are taking intentional action to combat our implicit bias, as well towards dismantling systemic racism. We will continue to acknowledge and support the role our schools play in advancing educational equity for diverse learners — and call it out where we fall short. 

The work of the DLC springs from a desire to reimagine what inclusive schools and systems can be – to live up to new possibilities of opportunity and compassion. There is much work to do in ensuring diverse learners have access to education that inspires purposeful and fulfilling lives. We stand with you, as our partners, community members, and fellow justice seekers, in this effort.

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