Diverse Learners Cooperative

Coaching Collaborative

If leaders consistently come together, share learnings and resources, and collaboratively develop skills and solutions, they will grow significantly as professionals and dramatically improve outcomes for diverse learners across Tennessee.

Calling all: District and school-based coaches, coordinators, deans and leaders working with Multilingual Learner and/or Special Education teams

Join other leaders from across Tennessee as we develop the core competencies and creative solutions required of a diverse learner leader. Develop coaching skills, practical resources, and your professional network that will translate to your team’s success and sustainability.

Professional Development

Coaching Collaborative will meet for six full days of in-person professional learning throughout the summer (2 days) and school year (4 days) to develop core competencies and build a network of role-alike professionals.

Resource Creation and Sharing

Apply learnings and practices using evidence-based tools and resources that have been tailored for the cohort. Leverage materials provided by the DLC and your cohort peers to set and achieve your school-based goals.

On-Site, Targeted Coaching

A DLC Coach will provide two on-site consults to each member of the Coaching Collaborative. Collaborative members will also access their coach and their peers for technical assistance throughout the year.

Spots are very limited and secured on a first-come, first-serve basis.

The cost for a year of participation is $3,000 per Coach.

How Leaders will Benefit

Learn from Others

Coaches will have opportunities to see how other schools address similar challenges. Being part of this cohort lightens the load of coaches and other school leaders by reducing time spent on isolated problem solving.

Take the next best steps

Coaches will have the support of their DLC coach to identify, plan, and execute year-long goals, based on personalized self-assessments and school-based needs.

Strengthen for the future

Coaches will develop as more effective and strategic leaders. Their work from this year will carry forward and bring change for years to come.

Invest in your team

The cost for a coach to participate and receive a year’s worth of support is a minimal investment for outsized impact. Investing in a coach will create positive outcomes beyond that single participant, as they will be prepared to impact students, teachers, and systems school-wide.

In the Words of Participants

Reach out to our team with any questions.